quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2007

Músicas que inspiram #3 - Aphex Twin

Aphex Twin (born Richard David James on August 18, 1971 in Limerick, Ireland) is an electronic music artist, credited with pushing forward the genres of techno, ambient, acid, and drum and bass.

Richard D. James was born of Welsh parents Lorna and Derek James in 1971 in Limerick Regional Hospital, Ireland. He grew up in Cornwall, England, enjoying, along with two sisters, a "very happy" childhood during which they "were pretty much left to do what [they] wanted." [1]

Mais: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphex_Twin

Assista aqui:
Aphex Twin - Come To daddy

Um comentário:

De Lee G disse...

Aahhh Come to Daddy!!! Minha maior inspiração!